

How does OneDoc’s online appointment booking work? – It’s just a click away!

Published on 19/02/2024

How does online appointment booking work with OneDoc

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In Switzerland, patient expectations have changed considerably in recent years. In order to meet these requirements, many healthcare professionals have introduced online appointments. Although this type of appointment booking is complementary to traditional appointment booking, it offers healthcare professionals numerous advantages. In this article, we will focus on the main features of the OneDoc platform, such as its benefits and compatible practice software.


What is OneDoc?

OneDoc is a digital platform for booking medical appointments that lists the majority of healthcare professionals in Switzerland. This includes doctors, pharmacists and therapists under Tarif 590, covering a total of 200 medical specialities!

Patients can quickly and easily book an appointment online with the specialist of their choice. Online appointment booking leaves the practice’s telephone available for emergencies or cases requiring special attention. With Onedoc healthcare professionals benefit from numerous tools to facilitate patient care, such as SMS reminders and video consultations.


How does OneDoc work?

OneDoc has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use for patients and practitioners alike.


OneDoc for patients:

  • Patients search for the right specialist or treatment directly in the search bar on
  • They choose the healthcare professional best suited to their needs in their chosen city
  • They select the preferred appointment type and time
  • They log in (or create a OneDoc account in just a few clicks)
  • That’s it, the appointment is booked! An SMS reminder will be sent to the patient 24 hours before the consultation.


OneDoc for healthcare professionals:

  • If you use one of the many medical software synchronized with OneDoc, appointments booked by your patients via the platform will appear directly in your professional calendar.
  • If you’re not yet using any software, you can access OneDoc’s own agenda from your professional space.
  • You can then edit the appointment if needed
  • You can offer video consultations directly from the OneDoc interface
  • If you’re a therapist, OneDoc lets you bill your patients at Tarif 590 in just a few clicks.
  • This allows you to concentrate on patient care, without having to worry about appointment booking or reminders


Advantages for healthcare professionals

Making appointments online with OneDoc offers doctors numerous advantages, such as:


  • Simplify administration: Reduce the time you spend on administration by 30%
  • Reduce the number of missed appointments by more than 75% with automatic reminders
  • Improve and control your online presence: OneDoc helps you make it easy for patients to find you and your practice online, while improving your ranking on Google and other web browser
  • Keep control of your appointment agenda from your computer or smartphone, by entering your absences and free times whenever you need


The solutions offered by OneDoc

Doctors and healthcare professionals who opt for OneDoc appointment scheduling have access to several tools:



Software from practice partners

OneDoc works perfectly with most of the medical software programmes used in Switzerland. Thanks to synchronisation of the OneDoc appointment calendar with the software used, the data is retained. This is because all information about patients’ appointments is automatically integrated into the practice’s existing medical records. This means that the medical team can maintain their habits by continuing to access their practice software.


The software partners include:



Security and data protection

Data protection is a top priority at OneDoc. For this reason, doctor-patient confidentiality is maintained during synchronisation between OneDoc and medical software: only patients and their doctors have access to this confidential information! If you would like to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read more articles in our blog, for example about data protection.


Learn more

You’re a healthcare professional, and you want to offer online booking? Our team would be happy to show you OneDoc and answer all your questions. Simply request a free demo of our platform!

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