
Healthcare professional: How can I offer online booking on the Compassana application with OneDoc?

Published on 13/09/2024

OneDoc's partner Compassana is an entry point for patients.

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With patients becoming increasingly connected, it’s becoming crucial for healthcare professionals to adapt and offer modern solutions for managing appointments. Integrating OneDoc Pro with the Compassana application is an innovative solution for simplifying patient care while optimising the management of your practice.

In this article, we’ll explain the benefits of this integration, how it works, and how you can maximise its use to attract more patients and improve the efficiency of your practice.


The advantages of online booking via Compassana with OneDoc

Develop your online visibility and get more appointments

As a healthcare professional, being visible online is essential for attracting new patients. Today, there are many platforms that enable you to improve your visibility, but not all of them offer the same benefits in terms of simplifying the patient care pathway.

It was against this backdrop that Compassana was created, a platform developed by major Swiss healthcare players such as Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, SWICA and many others. The aim of this application is to provide patients with efficient management of their care pathway, while guaranteeing them secure access to their medical documents.

Thanks to the integration of OneDoc with Compassana, you will benefit from increased visibility on this key Swiss healthcare platform. By being bookable on Compassana via your OneDoc subscription, new patients can easily find you based on your specialty and location, and book an appointment in just a few steps. This enhanced presence not only increases the number of your consultations, but also simplifies the appointment booking process for patients.


A simplified care pathway and increased patient loyalty

OneDoc-Compassana integration doesn’t just increase your online visibility. It also helps to simplify your patients’ care pathway, which ultimately helps to build patient loyalty. By making it easier to book appointments online, you’re meeting the expectations of your patients, who are increasingly connected and looking for practical solutions for managing their health. By offering a fluid and intuitive user experience via Compassana, you can increase the satisfaction of new patients who are regular users of this application, which may encourage them to return for future consultations.


Optimised appointment management centralised in your OneDoc diary

Managing appointments can quickly become a challenge for a medical practice. However, with OneDoc-Compassana integration, all appointments booked via Compassana are automatically centralised in your OneDoc Pro diary. This allows you to manage your consultations efficiently, without changing your working habits. This centralisation offers a number of advantages:

  • Reduced scheduling errors: A slot booked via is automatically blocked in Compassana, and conversely, an appointment booked via Compassana will no longer be available in OneDoc. This avoids double bookings and minimises the risk of errors.
  • Save time: By automating appointment management, you free up time to concentrate on what’s important: caring for your patients.
  • Smooth synchronisation: Synchronisation between the two platforms guarantees optimised management of your diary, making the appointment-booking process as smooth for you as it is for your patients.


How does OneDoc Pro-Compassana integration work?

The integration of OneDoc with Compassana is designed to be simple and intuitive. To be visible and bookable on the Compassana application, all you need to do is take out a OneDoc Pro subscription that includes online appointment booking. By default, online booking will be enabled on Compassana, multiplying your chances of getting appointments right from the start with us, hassle-free.

All appointments booked via Compassana are automatically centralised in your OneDoc Pro diary. This means you can easily view and manage all your appointments, whether they were booked via OneDoc, Compassana, or any other partner healthcare platform. What’s more, whether you want to optimise your profile or manage your reasons for consultation, our team is there to support you and help you make the most of this integration.


How can you maximise the use of OneDoc and Compassana in your medical practice?

Inform your patients about the possibility of booking online via OneDoc and Compassana

To maximise the use of this integration between OneDoc and Compassana, it is crucial to actively communicate to your patients that online booking is now possible. Here are some effective strategies we recommend:

  • On your answering machine: Update your greeting to mention that online appointment booking is available via OneDoc and Compassana.
  • By email: Send an email informing your patients about this new online booking facility.
  • On your social networks: If you’re into social networks, share the information on them. A post or short video explaining how to book online can encourage take-up of this new service.
  • Signage in your practice: As soon as you start using OneDoc Pro, we’ll send you a welcome pack with communication materials for your patients. Place them in your waiting room, for example, to remind your patients that they can book online.
  • Encourage online booking during consultations: During your consultations, take a few seconds to inform your patients that they can now book their next appointment online. This verbal reminder can be very effective, especially for patients who are less comfortable with digital tools.


Incorporate the booking link into your digital communications

To increase the use of online booking, make sure you include the link to your OneDoc and Compassana profile in all your digital communications:

  • On your website: Add a prominent ‘Book Online’ button on your site’s homepage or menu.
  • In your email signature: Are you used to communicating with your patients by email? Then include a link to online booking in your email signature.


To go further: Integrate Google’s ‘Book online’ button!


In addition to its partnership with Compassana, OneDoc offers you the option of integrating an ‘Online Booking’ button directly into your Google Business profile. This means that patients who search for your services on Google can book an appointment directly from the search results or your Google My Business listing. This further simplifies the appointment booking process for patients and allows you to capture additional patient flow directly from the world’s most used search engine.

The integration of OneDoc with Compassana represents a major opportunity for healthcare professionals in Switzerland. By making it easier for your patients to book appointments online, and by multiplying the channels through which you make yourself bookable, you are not only improving patient satisfaction, but also optimising the management of your practice. Don’t miss the opportunity to modernise your practice and attract new patients with this innovative solution.

Book a free demo of OneDoc Pro to find out how this integration can maximize your visibility and get you more booked appointments!


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