

5 content ideas to stand out on social media as a therapist

Published on 23/08/2024

What to post on social media as a therapist?

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Are you a therapist wondering if social media can be beneficial for you? The answer is YES! Differentiating yourself from your peers by offering content on social media can make a significant difference. In this article, we’ll provide you with the keys to posting engaging content that performs well on social media.


Why Post on Social Media as a Therapist?

As a therapist, there are many reasons you should be active on social media. The foremost reason is visibility! Online visibility can take various forms, such as a website, a Google Business Profile, and social media!


Showcase Your Practice

In Switzerland, many approved therapies are not widely known to the public. Social media is a great way to present your practice in a lighter, more engaging tone.


Attract New Patients Where They Are

Smartphones are an essential part of daily life for most Swiss people. Be present in their daily lives through their preferred social networks. This presence can significantly increase your bookings.


Affordable Advertising

Social media platforms are free, and your content remains visible indefinitely, making them an excellent, low-cost way to promote your therapy practice. Additionally, interacting with your patients on social media can strengthen their loyalty and maintain an ongoing relationships.


Enhanced Online Presence

As we mentioned in our article on filling your appointment slots, an additional online presence thanks to social media improves your search engine ranking, attracting even more visits to your website.

In summary, social media is a powerful tool for any therapist looking to attract new patients, retain existing ones, and stand out from the competition. Hashtags also make it easier to find you on different social media! So don’t hesitate to use them!


Which Social Media Platforms Should I Use as a Therapist

We previously discussed the various platforms in our article on using social media in the medical field. To be brief, platforms that can help you reach your patients include Instagram, TikTok, and possibly Facebook. LinkedIn, on the other hand, helps you reach your colleagues. If you often create videos, YouTube can also be beneficial!


What Content Schould I Post on Social Media as a Therapist?

Social media offers a wide range of content, and it can be challenging to know where to start. Here are some content ideas and examples. Remember, draw inspiration from your peers and other successful social media content! Also, consider working with a graphic designer to give your posts a recognizable style, matching your logo colors, for example. Do not hesitate also to put some emojis on your post description to lighten them up!


1. Informative Content

Although this type of content might not generate as much engagement (= likes and comments) as others, it can be useful for providing information about your practice. For example, create Instagram carousels (multiple images in a single post) to showcase the different treatments you offer. You can also share your opening hours or any promotions you might have.


2. Photos of You and Your Consultation Space

On Instagram and Facebook, photos are a good starting point. Posting pictures of yourself and your consultation space humanizes your practice. These easy-to-create posts usually generate good engagement, as patients are curious about who will treat them.


3. “Tips and Tricks” Content

As an expert in your field, people might seek you out on social media to learn more. So if you are a nutritionist, you can share recipes for your patients, for instance.

Short, explanatory video formats featuring you or your team can also boost your visibility. Potential videos depending on your speciality could be “The 5 Benefits of Acupuncture” or “What is Phytotherapy?”. These types of content are especially suited for Instagram Reels and TikTok. Two tips here: film vertically and add subtitles! Social media users often watch videos without sound.

Humorous Content

Humorous content can be more challenging to create but often results in high engagement. Look at the current popular humorous content on social media, whether it’s short videos, challenges or memes (images from movies with captions that are used in a different context than the original one).

Adapting this content to your therapeutic practice can project a lighter image and attract an audience that wasn’t initially looking for information about your practice. However, be careful—humorous content can undermine your credibility if not executed well. If you’re not comfortable with this type of content, it’s better to avoid it.


4. Partnerships with Influencers

Collaborating with influencers is an effective way to introduce your practice to a broader audience. Partnering with influencers builds trust with your potential patients, who tend to rely on influencers as role models. You can also collaborate with colleagues in the same or complementary fields, offering more varied content on your social media while benefiting from each other’s notoriety.


5.Bonus: Engage with your audience!


To boost engagement, invite your patients to interact with your content. Ask them to comment on your latest Reel or TikTok, and create interactive content on Instagram! For example, post a story with a question or a quiz, like “Which of these foods is good for your microbiome?” if you’re a nutritionist. These diversified content types can encourage your audience to interact with your posts.

Here’s a little tip: respond to all the comments you receive. This will motivate your most loyal patients to engage while showing that you value their feedback.

How Often Should I Post as a Therapist?

There’s no definitive answer to this question; it depends on the platforms you use. However, algorithms tend to have a rather short memory, and posting 1-4 times a day on TikTok is sometimes recommended. But remember, these tips are mainly for full-time creators. As a therapist, social media is an extension of your practice, not your primary activity. Therefore, we recommend posting 2 to 3 times a week if possible.

Keep in mind that social media notoriety doesn’t happen overnight (except in rare cases). Be patient and experiment to find what content works best for you and your patients.


Key Takeaways for Posting Content on Social Media as a Therapist

We hope these tips help you come up with content ideas for your social media. The essential point to remember is that your posts should reflect you as a person. Social media users appreciate the closeness these platforms offer. Your followers are there to follow your expertise, but also you as an individual! Don’t hesitate to show yourself in your content if you’re comfortable with the idea.

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