
Google Business Profile

4 benefits of Google Business Profile in the healthcare sector

Published on 11/06/2024

Benefits Google Business Profile for Healthcare professionals

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You want to increase the visibility of your medical practice on Google? Then it’s time to create a Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) for your healthcare activity! You’re probably familiar with this tool, even if you don’t realize it yet. It’s the information you’ll find in the top right-hand corner of a Google search. As well as providing a brief overview of your business to potential customers, this free tool can be a real boost for your business. Here are 4 reasons to create a Google Business Profile if you work in the healthcare sector:


1. Better online visibility thanks to your Google Business Profile

A key benefit of a Google Business Profile profile is that it allows your practice or clinic to appear in the top local search results. The more complete your profile, the more likely it is to generate a good score on Google.

By keeping your profile up to date, you improve your ranking in local search results, making it more likely that patients will find you when they search for medical services.


2. All the information your patients need, in one place

When editing your Google Business Profile, you can also provide precise information, such as your practice’s opening hours, the medical specialties you offer, and a link to online booking. This allows your patients to find all the information about your upcoming availability in the blink of an eye.

By adding your practice’s address, you’ll also enable patients to find you quickly by allowing them to access Google Maps from your Google Business Profile, and vice versa!

Our advice when editing your profile is to add a photo of you, your team and the place of your practice. In addition to inspiring confidence, adding photos can increase the number of clicks on your profile by 35%.


3. Harness power of reviews and comments on your Google Business Profile

One function of a Google Business Profile not to be underestimated is patient reviews. If they’re positive, they can really help you attract new patients, creating a virtuous circle of prosperity for your practice.

Almost 60% of patients consider online reviews to be “very important” when choosing a doctor.

Google Business Profile allows you to manage patient reviews and comments, giving you the opportunity to address their concerns, resolve issues and demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.

A word of advice here: respond to all reviews, even the negative ones. This will help reduce their impact, while showing that you care about your patients.


4. Analyze your Google Business Profile visibility and performance

Another benefit of Google Business Profile for healthcare professionals is the marketing insights your profile can provide you. Indeed, Google provides data on how users interact with your profile, such as the number of views or actions generated, which helps you understand the effectiveness of your online presence. With this in mind, you can make strategic decisions to improve your marketing and services.

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Would you like to create a Google Business Profile account?

Then read our full article on how to create your Google Business Profile easily.


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