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Choose OneDoc Pro and

  • Take advantage of a customizable agenda
  • Give your patients 24/7 autonomy
  • Save 30% of telephone secretarial time
  • Reduce no-shows by 75%.
  • Create invoices at Tarif 590 in a few clicks
Témoignage Maurine Stohr utilisatrice OneDoc Pro
It's so simple, it makes you want to use it! It's easy to log in, and the interface is pleasant to use.

Maurine Stohr

Psychologist, Lausanne

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    Simply fill out this form, and one of our advisors will come back to you ASAP!

    We are committed to giving you all the information you need to make the best use of OneDoc!

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    Choose OneDoc Pro and

    • Take advantage of a customizable agenda
    • Give your patients 24/7 autonomy
    • Save 30% of telephone secretarial time
    • Reduce no-shows by 75%.
    • Create invoices at Tarif 590 in a few clicks
    Témoignage Maurine Stohr utilisatrice OneDoc Pro
    It's so simple, it makes you want to use it! It's easy to log in, and the interface is pleasant to use.

    Maurine Stohr

    Psychologist, Lausanne

    OneDoc is used by over 3,000 therapists on a daily basis… When do you start?